(919) 819-9647

Carpet Cleaner in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill and Cary


Better Business Bureau

Recent Raleigh Carpet Cleaning

Raleigh-Carpet-CleaningAdams Carpet Care recently provided a carpet cleaning in Raleigh for these homeowners. As you can see in the picture the truck mounted steam extraction service made a huge difference in the appearance and cleanliness of the carpet. It is easy to distinguish the part of the carpet that has been cleaned with the section that has been cleaned. 

Often this build-up is so gradual that we don’t realize it over the course of the year. The top and left shows the carpet after it has been cleaned by our carpet cleaning company in Raleigh. The carpet looks new again; stains and grime were removed and the original color of the carpet has been restored.

Contact us or call (919) 787-5281 to get your carpets cleaned or to receive a free quote.